Friday, July 10, 2009

Brookie Fishing 7/10

Went out today for some much needed brookie fishing, and had a great day. Went fishing with a good friend who is always a joy to fish with. The fish that we caught were all very healthy and were meaner than a junkyard dog. Most were caught on a size 16 tan elk hair caddis tied by yours truly. Nothing like catching fish on something that you made with your own 2 hands. Also used my bamboo rod, which is always a joy because it makes me look like I can actually cast. So thats it for now short and sweet with some fish porn. Enjoy..

1 comment:

Term Papers said...

Well Nothing like catching fish on something that I made with My own 2 hands. Also used Your bamboo rod, which is always a joy because it makes You Guy's look like You can actually cast. So that's it for now short and sweet with some fish porn. I have really enjoyed myself.

Term papers