Ok so it has been a long time since my last post. Hmmm...where to begin. Well the job that I worked at decided that they no longer needed my services at the end of September. I can say that I was very surprised. I worked there for almost 7 years and thought that everything was going good. Man that was a shocker. As most know there is always a silver lining in the dark clouds. By just pure luck a local utility company was hiring, so I decided to put my application in. It went very fast after that.
November 16th I started my new career. Lots of stuff to learn and take in. I have worked hard and have made great strides and I believe that I have found my career. There is something to be said when you wake up every morning and look forward to going to work.
I had a hard time at first with losing a job that I thought I was good at. God had other plans and if the strife had not happened than I would never have had this chance. One of the greatest things in life is when you can be given a second chance. Although situations can be stressful at the time look to the future, put the past behind you and remember you will never be given more than you can handle.
Soon I will be going back to school and finishing my electrical engineering degree and then the sky's the limit. BTW I have only been fishing once since November, responsibiltys take priority and with the hours that I work now, I have been able to get to spend alot more time with my son and wife. These memories will never be able to be replaced. I can't wait till my son gets old enough to fish with me and more memories can be made.
Guys and Gals have a great weekend and enjoy life.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Friday, July 10, 2009
Brookie Fishing 7/10
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Biggest Trout that I have ever caught and and a few others.
Made it down to the lady today, yea I know some may say, is that the only stream you fish? Until water temps move up a bit elsewhere,yes. Anyways had an awesome day caught alot of good fish and also hooked into moby dick and actually landed it. Was fishing a spot, that is known to those in the know, to hold several very, very large fish. No not the mill pool, mayby upstream from there or mayby downstream...hmmm. Was fishing an olive slumpbuster, throwing it out into the current and letting it swing in front of a downed tree. Picked up three right away ranging from 15-17 inches. Made another cast and all of a sudden my line stopped. I raised the rod tip and nothing. Felt like I snagged on the bottom. Could be, I was using 3 split shot. Than it happened. The all to familiar head shake. Holy crap this is a fish and a nice one at that. I rolled the fish and seen this was a monster. He then headed into the downed tree and everything stopped. I begin to panick and then felt the shake again. It did have me wrapped around a branch but it was still on. I slowly made my way to the tree and spotted the fish. I grabbed my net and scooped the fish up. Man this guy was a monster. It wouldn't even fit in the net all the way. I started to make quick measurements. Estimated length by my hand was 32 inches. From tip of my thumb to tip of my pinky fully extended is eight inches, and it took 4 to cover tail to nose. My hand would not even fit around one side of this fish. A fish of a lifetime for sure. I went to reach into my front pocket of my wading jacket to grab the camera and the rule to get 100% accurate measurements to dtermine weight. As I was doing this the fish came out of the net and went back into the water. And it was gone. I won't lie and tell you I didn't say things I shouldn't have but I did. I might have been able to get the fish back if I was not using 5x tippet. I came to my senses a little bit and climbed the bank. As I was coming across the field John and Elkfisher were standing on the back deck. They both seen me run the 40 in 4.4 in full fly fishing garb. I told my self that I was not going to let myself lose another fish to small tippet. So off to the fly shop to get 2x tippet, because there was another fish down there that was quite large. When I got to the shop I was shaking and Could not speak. Dave and John were laughing so hard that they couldn't breathe. I told them the story and we all just shook our heads. A quick coke and some 2x tippet and I was back in business. From that point on during the day I fished with nothing but streamers hunting for another moby dick. Caught several more that were smaller, but did get a pick of the next to biggest that was caught today. Measured at 19" , and that was considered small for what I caught earlier. Also got some really good pics of the little black stones that were all over the place. No topwater action until 3 today, bwo's and some little blacks(28) were coming off and some of the smaller residents were taking to the surface. Enjoy the pics.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
winter is almost over
What a winter. Been able to do alot of fishing this winter, and I have had a blast. Been fishing the Elk river at monterville alot. Mainly because of it being spring fed, which makes it a 12 month fishery. Also the hatches on this river are phenomanal. The little black stones are coming out( size 16) and are the first big hatch of the year. Went week before last and was able to hit a hatch of them. Didn't catch any big ones but caught alot of fish and had a blast. Going to fish it tommorow and hopefully the fish will cooperate. If they don't that is ok because any bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work. If I do good tommorow I will post some fish porn. Have a great day everyone and see you on the stream!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The new toy
Well guys and gals it finally arrived on Dec 24. I am now a proud owner of a bamboo flyrod. It was built by a good friend and hopefully soon fishing partner Earle Goode. It is built off of the Thomas and Thomas taper "the caneis", 7'6" 2/3 wght. I finally got to take it for a test drive with my friend Mark on my beloved Elk river. Although I wasn't able to hook any of the big boys we did catch tons of the little guys. The fly's that were used was a size 16 little black stonefly nymph and a wet fly that is called the heresay. The rod casted like a dream and will roll cast for miles. It was a joy and can't wait to hook into some large brookies with it this year. Anyways short and sweet and here are some pics from the rod and some river shots from the other day hope you enjoy.
Monday, November 24, 2008
I love fly swaps
Hello to all again. Havn't been doing a lot of fishing lately, been busy with work and playing with my son. I have been tying though right now I am in 2 flyswaps on wvangler.com, nymph and foam fly swap. For the nymph swap I am tying a size 20 olive caddis pupae and for the faom swap I will be tying a size 10 foam inchworm. Both are very easy tyes and have been alot of fun to tye. I really love the swaps because you get to see what the other guys tye and I get alot of new ideas for patterns. I used this foam inchworm pattern that I developed this year on a favorite brookie stream and it did exceptionaly well. When I get a chance I will post some pics of these flys. The best thing about tying with foam is that the stuff is pretty much unsinkable. Alot of times with the inchworm pattern I will twitch it to make it go under the surface and as it rises back to the surface I will get some massive strikes. Anyways just a little bit that I have been up to. I just want to wish everyone a great thanksgiving and to all that are out there hunting good luck and be safe.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Yuck politics
Ok so Obama is now the new president. Nothing can be done about it now. There are those out there that are saying.. I will not support this president, thats fine because you voted for who you wanted. Myself I didn't vote for Obama not for race, creed, color, political party etc. but because he does not represent my values. I will pray for him every night so that he will be able to make the right decisions. It is a scary time but guess what in 4 years we will be able to vote again. I am just glad that it is all over with so that we can get back to normal life. Yes it sucks when the team we are rooting for loses but we just have to come back look at our gameplans and go from there. If the world dows come to an end I know my future, do you?
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